Mission Statement
The mission of the Suitcase Clinic is to promote the health and overall well-being of underserved individuals through service provision, cooperative learning, and collective action among community and professional volunteers, students, and participants.
Our Philosophy
We believe in the dignity of all human beings, and hold that healthcare and housing are basic human rights of all persons. We realize that health is a holistic state of complete physical, mental, emotional and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Health promotion requires more than medical care and should include programs that address behavioral, social, and environmental issues that affect people’s quality of life. We should take the initiative to make our services, projects, and our overall organization as client-centered and culturally appropriate/accessible as possible. We value the principle of “starting where people are" in utilizing clients’ strengths and resources in order to meet their needs and empower them to make their own choices. The educational experience of our volunters involves cooperative learning and personal reflection to foster personal growth through the sharing of ideas, resources, and support. However, the educational experience of volunteers should not supersede the service provision to clients. ​
In partnership with UCSF Joint Medical Program (JMP)
The Medical Division at the Suitcase Clinic provides medical services through the JMP students and recruitment of volunteer providers. At the clinic, we will work with volunteer licensed providers to treat clients’ acute and chronic medical concerns by taking patient histories and performing physical exams. Our aim is to increase access to medical care services to improve health. Additionally, the Medical Division at the Suitcase Clinic works together with the undergraduate division in efforts to end homelessness and promote universal health care access by engaging in community education and public policy efforts.
JMP Mission Statement
Our mission is to improve the holistic health of a diverse community of individuals by providing free, inclusive medical care and health-related support through a collaborative, mutually-empowering partnership. Our vision is a world where healthcare is a right and an expression of equity and common humanity. To respect and continue this evolving legacy, we strive to learn with our clients and foster sustainability, joy, and a sense of family in the work we do. ​