The Women's Clinic
Mondays, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM, dinner at 7:00 PM
The Women’s Clinic began in fall of 1996. During that time, there was steady discussion of reaching out to women and children, who were a minority at the Tuesday night General Clinic.
In an effort to address these concerns, an expansion of the General Clinic was put into place on Monday afternoons at the Berkeley Free Clinic drop-in center. After a semester-long trial run, it was found that the new ‘Expansion Clinic’ was not accomplishing its original goals. Following a six month hiatus of re-planning, the new drop-in center was re-opened at the Dwight Way Women’s Shelter in the spring of 1998.
This past summer, the Women's Clinic relocated to LIFE Adventist Church. All women and children are welcome to receive our services, which include medical and professional services, nail-painting, childcare, and more.
Please use the contact form for the most up-to-date list.
Housing resources​
Hygiene supplies
Basic needs supplies
The above service are typically offered at every clinic. Other professional services are subject to change.
Please contact the Women's Clinic below to confirm professional services offered each week.
Located at LIFE Adventist Church
2236 Parker Street, Berkeley, CA 94704

Housing Resources
Health Ed

Contact Us
For Women's Clinic-specific questions, comments, or concerns, please submit the contact form or leave a message at
(510) 423-3659.